«From my Archivio, I can’t separate from my glasses, as well as from my silk scarves.»

«My name is Anna and I'm a magistrate. I wish I was able to care about me more, putting myself first. If I have to describe myself with a fragrance it would be Jasmine. From my Archivio, I can’t separate from my glasses, as well as from my silk scarves.»

Which is your favourite Archivio’s piece?
‘Ursula Top’
Which is your favourite Archivio’s color?
‘Light Pink’
What does silk means to you?
‘Softness & Brightness’
«I prefer daylight and its sky made of light blue and clouds.»
How much the sky affects your mood?
‘A lot, that’s why I chose to live in Sicily, although I got married to a Milanese.’
Are you more a day or night sky lover?
‘I prefer daylight and its sky made of light blue and clouds.’
Something you do to nurture nature?
‘During my free time I love doing activities in touch with nature that are not going to have any impact on pollution.’
What does Sicily means to you?
‘A new life.’
Words by Simona Dell’Unto
Photography by Rosita Gia
Styling by Cecilia Federico
Casting by Federica Ciuci Priori